2010年12月12日 星期日

Election Time In Taiwan

In each country, most of the governments have its electoral systems and structures. In Taiwan, there are many major elections runs every few years. For examples: Presidential, Parliamentary, Referendum, Legislative. However, The presidential election runs every 4 years, the premier is appointed by the president, and in Legislative Yuan, 3 members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms, 34 members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system to serve 4-year terms and 6 members are elected by single non-transferable vote to serve 4-year terms.

The most difficult things about elections in Taiwan are that it is hard to ignore. There are few things that may be very annoy to general publics are that you can see streets are handing up with colorful banners. When you turn on the TV, the news is filled with scandals and debates between electoral candidates. What I consider the most thoughtless and irritating things about these elections are; during a nice weekend afternoon you hear trucks and scooters going around your neighborhood blasting candidates’ speeches throughout the day and sometimes at night. Another thing that I find very troublesome is that the elections cause too many accidents and traffic problems to the general public. You often see the candidates would host a public speech that usually block out the entire streets and cause very serious traffic jams.

I often feel that any good electoral candidates’ should be very thoughtful about general public’ well-being instead of making too much trouble or inconvenience to the people. These candidates’ are been elected to serve people; therefore, they need to think of a way to cause any troubles to the general public.

Reference photos: 1.http://news.china.com/zh_cn/hmt/1004/20061208/images/13799295_2006120812593384768700.jpg 2.http://tw.image.search.yahoo.com/images

